Following a national search, Elizabeth S. Chilton, 他是东北人,最近担任华盛顿州立大学普尔曼校区校长, 被任命为澳门葡京网赌游戏第21任校长, effective July 1, 2024.
Chilton will succeed James W. Dean Jr., who is retiring after six years leading UNH. 她于2020年加入华盛顿州立大学,担任华盛顿州立大学系统的教务长和执行副校长,并于2022年被任命为华盛顿州普尔曼校区的首任校长.
“UNH is a leading public university with strong student outcomes, a large and diverse research portfolio, and dedication to the state of New Hampshire, 我很荣幸也很受宠若惊能有机会担任这所优秀学府的校长,” Chilton says. “I’ve long admired UNH’s history, vibrant and engaged community, and commitment to student success and scholarship. 我期待着回到东北加入野猫大家庭,帮助UNH为我们的学生和社会服务,追求一个繁荣的未来.”
华盛顿州立大学普尔曼分校是该系统的旗舰大学,也是华盛顿州的赠地大学, serving about 18,000 students. Prior to becoming chancellor, 作为首席学术官,她的职责包括监督六个校区系统的研究职能, 她在过去两年担任总理期间继续担任这一角色.
第一代大学生和公立大学毕业生, Chilton is a champion for public higher education, deeply committed to access and liberal arts education. She values UNH’s unique position as a leading, 公共研究机构,保持对本科教育的高度关注, 受到大学研究使命的启发,同时也坚信本科转型经历的力量.
“Dr. 奇尔顿在整个学术和研究企业中表现出了巨大的领导能力和战略眼光, and her career is a testament to the mission of public higher education,” said Jamie Burnett ‘95, ‘96G, ‘98G, 澳门葡京网赌游戏系统校董会副主席兼校长遴选委员会主席. “她非常关心学生的体验,并致力于促进学生在UNH的成功. She has a record of collaboration, lifting up her peers, building partnerships and creating opportunities. UNH社区和国家应该对伊丽莎白的任命有高度的信心.”
奇尔顿的任命结束了去年秋天迪安宣布打算退休后开始的搜寻工作. A 16-member search committee, comprised of representatives of the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students across UNH’s three campuses, led the search.
Chilton will visit all three UNH campuses from May 9 to 11. 她将于5月9日和5月10日在达勒姆度过一段时间,然后于10日下午访问曼彻斯特和康科德校区.
“伊丽莎白是一位久经考验的多才多艺的领导者,致力于公共赠地大学的使命和价值观,” said USNH Board Chair Alex Walker. “She brings the experience, 领导多校区机构的工作记录和能力, well-coordinated public higher education system. 她在众多候选人中脱颖而出,成为在这个充满活力和挑战的高等教育时代领导澳门葡京网赌游戏的合适人选.”
From 2017 to 2020, 奇尔顿是宾厄姆顿大学哈普尔艺术与科学学院的院长, part of the State University of New York system. 在此之前,她在马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校工作了16年, serving in a variety of roles including professor, anthropology department chair, and associate vice chancellor for research and engagement.
她在奥尔巴尼大学获得人类学学士学位, SUNY, and then her master’s and Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 她的学术工作集中在北美东北部的前殖民考古学, as well as paleoecology, cultural resource management, heritage studies and materials science. 她是数十篇同行评议的书籍章节和期刊文章的作者.
奇尔顿是一名狂热的徒步旅行者、皮划艇运动员和皮划艇运动员,也是一名热情的合唱歌手. Her husband, Michael Sugerman, is also an anthropology professor. The couple has an adult son and three lively dogs.